Sunday, December 20, 2009

Abortion Access and the Military

There Are No Coat Hangers in Iraq

via ouyandan
The ACLU is interested in hearing from servicewomen, military dependants, and their health care providers about difficulties accessing abortion due to military policies. If you have any information, or would like to share your story with us, please contact us at or 212-549-2633, or write to us at Reproductive Freedom Project, 125 Broad St, 18th Fl., New York, NY, 10004. Any information you provide will be treated as confidential.
Also, anyone who knows me personally may contact me if they feel more comfortable, and I will contact the ACLU on their behalf. Also, if you are pregnant active duty, and have been told that you have no rights or choices about how and when you give birth, and that you are not allowed to decline any medical procedures or services during your childbirth procedure, and would like to talk to the ACLU, I am willing to also contact them on your behalf. Your name can be kept confidential.
Active Duty does not mean you have to give up your reproductive autonomy. I want to help.