Friday, March 21, 2008

A couple rather cool stories

First up, we have bicycle porn! What? Yes!

People have made pornography with, on, about, and starring bicycles and the one-night film festival of all of these films is coming to New York City this Saturday. Not only will there be a wide range of films involving bicycles and erotica, but they’re having a costume contest also (you or your bike)! We donated some of the prizes so if you want to win some free sex toys, get dressed up and stop by.

If you don’t live in New York, don’t despair, the Bike Porn is touring so they might come to a city near you.

* 3/13 Minneapolis MN
* 3/14 Chicago, IL
* 3/18 Columbus, OH
* 3/19 Pittsburgh, PA
* 3/22 New York, NY
* 3/26 Washington D.C.
* 3/27 Richmond, VA
* 4/1 Nashville, TN
* 4/4 Salt Lake City, UT

Apparently I missed the San Francisco show. :(

The second thing?

Single mothers work together in Wyoming. This cool story from the NY Times about the group "Climb Wyoming, which takes women who have absorbed a few of life’s body blows — bad or absent men, drugs, public assistance and jail are all common stories — and combines free job training with psychological counseling."

But Climb Wyoming’s real core insight is female solidarity — that the group, trained and forged together more like a platoon than a class, will become an anchor of future success. New skills can go only so far in changing a life, the group’s trainers say; sometimes it takes a sisterhood.

“We look for groups that are ready to work together and make a change together,” said Ray Fleming Dinneen, a psychologist and co-founder of Climb Wyoming, which four years ago began training go-it-alone mothers for male-dominated jobs that rule the state’s industrial-energy economy.

And last, so-called "inspiration benevolence". Have no idea what that means? I didn't either, but it's awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm. Inspiration benevolence is a cool concept. I wonder if it would work on blogs.


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