Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Weekly

Activism: The Best You Can
Many have the idea that to fight for asocial justice means attending protest rallies, conferences, or perhaps even tying yourself to the occasional tree. Where does that leave someone with disabilities who cannot participate in similar activities? Small actions can be just as vital as larger ones to creating change in society.

New video about doulas, with one glaring omission

What Kind of Liberation?: Women and the Occupation of Iraq

Don’t Swear When You Call 911

Fen Of Color United

Abstinence Counselor Charged With Sexual Assault of Student

Torture Photos

stoneth's photostream

Indigenous Women Are Not Being Given Mammograms

Boy Scouts teaches kids to run the new police state

Rhode Island getting closer to outlawing indoor sex work.

SRS Not Covered In Manitoba

From A Keeper Of The Dark To The Keeper Of The Light

breastfeeding & feminism links

Another Year, Another Student Booted From Their Prom

stuff white people do clamp down harder on non-white violence

CIA and ISI together created Taliban: Zardari

Another Hoax of Hate Crime Legislation

Woman Must Deny Rape or Face Death

Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?

Sierra Broussard Discrimination Trial In Wisconsin

Should Poly People Wait Their Turn?

I would make a terrible superhero girlfriend.

Our Petitions Won’t Save Them

Adventures in Feministory: Claudette Colvin

stuff white people do prefer babyfaced black men

talk to someon different

Feminism and Motherhood: an Opinion piece

Hope For Housing The ‘Unhoused’: Successful Programs Exist!

Gay Marriage and the Black Community

Another hit for Gay Rights

Spain Becomes The New “Hot Spot” For Black Market Organ Sales

This Little Light of Mine

Kim Fields

Okay, Seriously Pro-Choice, people.

Yeah I'm a geek

On Gender and Sexual Insults

Genetic link found among shortness, fatness, and early puberty

Which Side Are You On?

Is Ross Douthat Living in Dan Brown’s America?

‘Operation Panty’ makes delivery to immigrant women

It's Hell To Be Transgender-Especially In Honduras

Quick Point for the Day
Communities of differences beset by injustice are often the first to identify the good spots of life, the waters that most take for granted.

That side of womyn of color is often not understood.

I am not a meeting the world with a bitter head, I see it head on, face up, and have joy.

I have joy.

So, if you want to better understand the lives of womyn of color, it is imperative to not only understand the pain, but to watch the joy.

I only hurt myself. I lost out on a lot of my wants and needs, and things that make me enjoy sex even more. As much as a put myself off to be a non-romantic, I DO like kissed on my back and neck, and eating in bed, and watching movies together, and massages, and so on. But because I was so focused on getting her to peg me as a “whore,” I missed out on it.

Katrina Revisited
I'm reluctant to highlight just one anecdote from Robert Draper's GQ piece on Donald Rumsfeld, because there's an awful lot of information in the article that deserves to be read, but the story about Rumsfeld during the Hurricane Katrina crisis is remarkable.

As Draper explained, there were search-and-rescue helicopters available for New Orleans, but Rumsfeld refused to approve their deployment, despite the belief from the commander of Joint Task Force Katrina that they were needed.

whatsername says: I have some really sad news from Monica at Transgriot...
RIP Octavia St. Laurent

whatsername says: I also got some rather depressing news regarding the Speak! show in New York. Now while I generally choose to feature local happenings, I was keeping my eye on this because I thought it was so cool. And apparently quite a lot of people who RSVPed didn't bother to come. That's just fucked up.
BlackAmazon addresses that here: la mapu and pennies