Sunday, January 13, 2008

No. 5

Unfortunately, feminists and political correctioneers taught modern men through sexual harassment charges and lawsuits to keep their mouths shut. So, modern women don’t receive the manly compliments they desire.


Yes, because I am just SO MISSING ALL THOSE COMPLIMENTS from guys who want to SEXUALLY HARASS ME!


  1. ZOMG, that's painfully funny.

  2. where do these people come from, really?

  3. Honestly Ren, the scary thing is that they're growing up and living in the same world as we are. :\

  4. Yes, because I am just SO MISSING ALL THOSE COMPLIMENTS from guys who want to SEXUALLY HARASS ME!

    That is somewhat of a stereotype. I certainly have never sexually harassed a woman, and I know a lot of guys that will never do such a thing.

    If you expect that all men are slobs and jerks then it kind of has a self-fulfilling prophecy, you will only notice slobs and jerks.

    Self-censorship has a real problem in modern life. I often compliment my male colleagues but have to think seriously before complimenting a female one.

    In business, much these days has to be conducted in informal situations. This cannot be avoided or changed. If your firm does not get involved then it will not get any clients.

    So if Men feel that they cannot interact with women on an informal level; then these women will miss many opportunities.

    So I think you need to chill out a little bit.

  5. He, the caps are for emphasis, not really "yelling."

    While it's unfortunate that you feel chained in by sexual harassment issues, honestly I'm not that sympathetic. I have worked with and been friends with too many men who had no problem complimenting women without sexually harassing them to really understand why the line is a difficult one.


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